Come Back To Ready Caring, Failure Brought To Hospital Pamekasan

Come Back To Ready Caring, Failure Brought To Hospital Pamekasan

The fate of the exiled lepers in the forests Rombasan Village, District Pragaan, Sumenep, Suryadi (40) is tragic. After a busy informed if there Leprosy sufferers from Waru, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Madura, the hospitals Pamakesan come to the site.

But the arrival of medical teams equipped ambulances are not brought to the hospital Suryadi. Suryadi was eventually fail in the hospital because there is no family waiting for him.

When originally adopted son, Fran (8) that can be relied upon to keep and care for her father, apparently brought home forcibly by his mother, Khusnul Khotimah (35) a night without the permission of her husband.

PR Kabid Pamekasan Hospital, Dr. Agus Subaidi Envy basically Hospital admitted more than ready to handle patients with leprosy. "The problem is, if no family is ready to hover instead of new problems will arise," Jealous said at the location

He suggested that leprosy patients are referred to the clinic first, so quickly handled properly. "The process of healing is very long and must take medication regularly," he explained.

He is admitted directly ruled by the Regent Pamekasan also give antibiotics, because the former accident and was badly swollen.

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