Recommend Gerard Butler Jennifer Aniston At Her mother

Recommend Gerard Butler Jennifer Aniston At Her mother

The news about the proximity of Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston are also not abated, although both these stars have brushed it off. News mention that Aniston's Butler has introduced to his mother.

Butler joked to her mother, saying that he had married this FRIENDS star. And after a couple of times contact by telephone, Margaret Butler finally met with Aniston. And he has plans to bring this to the Scottish actress.

In an interview on Good Morning America, Butler said: "He actually met him (Aniston) Tuesday night for the first time. But they're often talking on the phone and I must say they were both very happy when I see. It's fun. So they met last night and now plans to play golf together, asking him to go to Scotland and my mother would take her out. They are hooked. "

Butler also told he was joking with his mother and said that was married to Aniston. "I call and say: 'Hey Mom, I'm now a bit busy - I'm married to Jennifer Aniston." Jen took teleponya and talk to my mother - and introduced herself as my mother-in-law. My mother was delighted - he wants me to get married sooner, "he said. (Spl / erl)

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