Half Ton Cocaine Found In Fake Fruit

Half Ton Cocaine Found In Fake Fruit

Liputan6.com, Den Haag: First drug found among the flowers. Now, the drugs were incorporated into the fake fruit in an attempt to smuggle cocaine into the Netherlands, so the authorities said on Wednesday (10 / 3). Police found cocaine valued at Rp 340 billion hidden in a plastic pineapple spread from the original fruit, prosecutors said.

A police spokesman, said Marianne Goet cocaine weighing half a ton was discovered when officers made the unloading containing pineapple, and saw some form of odd-looking fruit in containers. But when asked to disclose the country of origin who did the sending fake pineapple, Goet refused to answer and said that it was in compromise and investigation.

Dutch police being soft on drug use, but they take action against trafficking in hard drugs like cocaine and heroin.

Last month, customs officers found four kilograms of cocaine hidden among the 20,000 roses flown from Colombia to the Netherlands at the time of Valentine's Day. Five kilograms of pure cocaine were found in the boxes at the home of two suspects Dutch citizens, the National Prosecutor's office said. (AP / ARI)

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