Make Dhukun song Pasha Deddy Stage Fever

Make Dhukun song Pasha Deddy Stage Fever

Purple vocalist, Pasha, jazz concerts 'Harmony' SCTV, Thursday (11/3/2010) evening. Pasha didaulat song 'Oh Yeah' property Deddy Dhukun and Dian Pramana Putra, admitted stage fright.

"Iya nih udah lama ngerasain not like this, excited, stage fright," chatter when found Thursday (11/3/2010) late middle of the night.

Pasha claimed nervous because the song that brought a little difficult. Because of stage fright as well, he had made a mistake.

"I tried to the maximum, but because there are some parts groginya a miss," he said.

Accompanied by singing without his band friends do not too often Pasha. It is recognized by the chanter 'Terbang Tinggi', he was still comfortable performing with Purple.

Until now, the Pasha's mind had not yet crossed the mind for the solo career. In addition, he and the other Purple personnel committed to continue united until their contracts run out.

"Contract wrote on the paper there about 5 years, and even then reply could be extended another 10 years of age means I sampe 50 years, sampe not just our behavior.

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