Speech in Front of Officer KB, Boediono shouted at Maling

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Jakarta (SIB)
VP Boediono again shouted thief. This time it happened was not at the office of vice president, but during a speech in front of the servants of Family Planning (KB) in Bekasi. Direct perpetrators of police custody.
The incident began when Boediono give speeches in speech meeting with family planning officials and health ministers as Kota Bekasi. Meeting was held with the speech-roofed tents, in the field Bantar Gebang District, Jl Raya Siliwangi, Bekasi, Friday (19 / 3).
Boediono just one minute in the pulpit and delivered the opening speech, when a herd of about 7 people from the street screaming Boediono. They stood in the street mingling with the residents who watched the VP speech. The field where the event was held not far from the road.
"Boediono thief, Boediono thieves," they shouted in unison.
Cash is immediately audible shouts former Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) is. He was stopped for a moment of his speech. "It's called democracy it like this," said Boediono short with a flat expression. Boediono then returned to continue his speech.
The officers immediately arrested the guard a group of people who appear young-young. There are some who try to fight. But the officers finally arrested. They were then herded into police headquarters Bantar Gebang not far from the district office. They are now checked by the police. (AFP / g)

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