Berbahayakah Fish Eye on Legs?

Berbahayakah Fish Eye on Legs? - Eye fish or klavus, is one of the problems in the feet most often occur. Although not dangerous, but the incidence of fish can ruin the appearance of the eye and cause annoying pain.

Klavus is a thickening of the skin that may arise on the surface or side of the toe, due to continuous pressure or friction. The shoe size is usually less fit to be the cause of fish eyes and the calluses on the feet. But the fish eyes can also be caused by neurological abnormalities of blood vessels caused by diabetes.

Although the fish eyes may look ugly and disturbing appearance, not actual fish eye needs special care. Recommended possible solutions to overcome the eyelets is to reduce the thickness of the skin. In addition to applying cream with salicylic acid, steroid injections can also remove the fish eye. If you have not gone well, doctors will recommend surgery to slice and menipiskannya.

Risk of complications from diabetes eyelets at a higher rate. If you have diabetes, consult your doctor first before taking action against foreign fish because even if only a minor injury can turn into ulcers are difficult to cure.

To prevent the occurrence of fish eyes, wear shoes with good cushion your feet and select the size appropriate footwear. Choosing footwear should be done during the day, because this is when the foot is at its original size and shape.

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