Coverage of six Awards for Salomina and Rays, Jakarta: Celebrating his 14th birthday on Wednesday (18 / 5), Coverage six teams launched a "Coverage of six awards. The award is dedicated to the six figures that are considered to give inspiration to the public. Among Salomina from Wamena, Papua, and Rays of Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi.

Salomina inspiring about persistence and never give up attitude in the midst of the shortage. He is now a college student in Yogyakarta. Rev. Saronto, generous in Yogyakarta, raised Salo as a child [read: Salomina, Fight for Smart].

While the Rays are not quite seven years old, her mother care for the helpless. Rays give lessons about caring and devotion to one other [read: Light, Heroes of the West Sulawesi].

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