This Mama Lauren Last Prophecy

This Mama Lauren Last Prophecy

JAKARTA, - Known for his predictions are accurate, (deceased) Mama Lauren still had time to do penerawangan albeit in an unhealthy condition. What predictions?

"Mama messages he gets that vision must be communicated to the interests of the people," explained Lauren Mama adopted child, Beby Djenar, when met at the funeral home the body of Mama Lauren in Cipinang Indah Complex, Cassowary Road II, East Jakarta, Tuesday (18 / 5 / 2010) early morning.

Advanced Beby, Mama Lauren predict, Indonesia's natural conditions will be even less friendly. "If we can picture, at least, we give warning of such an unstable natural conditions and government who are not comfortable," said Beby.

Examples? "Regarding this natural phenomenon is more alarming as many earthquakes. That's what makes Mama often wake up," said Beby again. (FAN)

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