Lampung police Sita Dry 30 Kilogram Ganja

Lampung police Sita Dry 30 Kilogram Ganja

Bandarlampung (AFP) - Directorate of Drugs Lampung Regional Police seized 30 kilograms of dried marijuana from Aceh who allegedly circulated in the city to Bandarlampung.

According tangible I Lampung police Ditnarkoba AKBP P Simamora in Bandarlampung, Wednesday, police arrested two unemployed men and drivers at their boarding house in Kemiling, Bandarlampung over ownership of the goods was illegitimate.

Both men were each named Kristiono (30) and Maryanto (33), which has become a search list of people (APB) police last year.

Bandar who gave them the marijuana, Agus, currently still in police pursuit.

Catching both done on Monday (17 / 5) in a boarding house in Gang Agree I Kemiling, Bandarlampung.

Police searched the house after an undercover and get information from the local community.

"A total of 30 kilograms of marijuana was worth tens of millions of dollars and stored in the ceiling of the house," said Simamora.

In addition to marijuana that has been broken down into packets per kilogram, the police also seized 17 packets of plastic clips used sabu-sabu, a fruit pirex, and a fruit Kristiono's digital scales.

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