Dozens Killed in Riots in Jamaica, Mexico: Clashes between police and people smuggling, narcotics-related events Christopher "Dudus" Coke in Kingston, Jamaica, killing at least 49 people, Wednesday (26 / 5). Reports received in Mexico City, security forces have not been able to master Tivoli Gardens in Kingston and West Kingston.

The clashes came on Sunday, when the Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced Coke will extradited to the United States. interval of four days, the riots also occurred in the capital of the country.

"There are 35 civilians dead in the morgue and when we got there last night nine more bodies removed from the ambulance," said the Political Ombudsman Herro Blair - famous evangelical pastor in Jamaica. "As many as 300 men were arrested by the police and their fate unknown."

Previously, the United States has asked pengekstradisian Coke at August 2009, but the Jamaican government delayed making a decision until last week. Coke was accused of smuggling narcotics.

Last Sunday, Jamaica's government declared a state of emergency in several counties, after gunmen attacked a police post and fired some police personnel. (ANT / SHA)

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