Tip Overcome Acute Pain

Tip Overcome Acute Pain

Kompas.com - minor injuries such as shoulder pain after playing tennis, golf, badminton, or pain in the shoulder after carrying heavy groceries from supermartket, serti heel pain after a long walk or jog, classified in acute pain nerves and joints.

There's also acute pain due to sleeping position or working position is wrong. One complaint raises difficult sleeping position or tilt your head to look along the neck and shoulder pain and stiffness. To overcome the acute pain that can occur in the nerves and joints, dr.Hermawan Suryadi Sp.S, gave some of this tip.

1. Regional joint or muscle pain should be rested. If necessary, the dressing or use a buffer to the elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, or do tirah lay for several days.

2. Acute pain due to inflammation or infection should not be massaged. Massage will make him grow swollen.

3. Overcome pain with antiinflammatory drugs.

4. If pain persists, to contact a doctor immediately. Doctors can only provide sufficient antiinflammatory drugs to the possibility pemberisan regional anesthesia.

5. Furthermore, it may take a physiotherapist with hot or cold therapy and elektroanalgesik.

6. Treat completely until the pain disappeared altogether. If not, there is pain that can develop into chronic pain. (GHS / dee)

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