Great! Slash Hey ... Stop Smoking

Great! Slash Hey ... Stop Smoking

JAKARTA, - Legend guitarist Saul Hudson (44) or better known as Slash Santer said to have quit smoking. The cause of the death of his mother, Ola Hudson, last year, and because of pneumonia which he suffered.

The news was already abroad when he had children in 2002. However, many fans did not believe Slash will successfully do so because smoking has become a trademark for Slash.

Various news sources mentioned, the former guitarist was not smoking this year. Motivation to quit smoking because he saw his mother when struggling in the hospital fighting lung cancer and eventually died.

"I've stopped smoking this year. Previously I had determined to quit smoking when we have a baby. Wives often say that our baby smells like an ashtray, "he said.

Slash has two children from his wife, Perla Ferrar. He had stopped, but started smoking again. "Then my mother died of lung cancer and I also catch pneumonia. Since then stopped again, "he said.

According to Slash, is actually not too difficult to quit smoking if you wish. As an alternate activity, is now her hands are always busy Twitter ria.

Former guitarist of Guns N 'Roses is certain to hold a concert in Jakarta, August 3. ( / amr)

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