Use of fuel people are suggested Nonsubsidi, Sydney: Communities, especially the four-wheeled vehicle users who are able, using fuel oil are suggested nonsubdisi. This action is essential to help reduce the burden of the state. Thus the theme of the campaign on the government and Pertamina Roundabout Hotel Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Saturday (26 / 6).

Besides in Jakarta, love the movement of fuel nonsubsidi campaign was also held in other major cities, such as Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang, Balikpapan, Denpasar and Makassar. It is estimated that thousands of people will attend events held simultaneously on this day.

In a release sent to several media, corporate communications VP Pertamina Trikora Putra said, love the movement of fuel nonsubsidi encouraged to arouse public awareness to help reduce the government's subsidy burden. It is also to help small people and to care for the environment by using environmentally-friendly special fuel.

According to Oil and Gas Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Evita Legowo, the government would only provide 36.5 million kiloliters of subsidized fuel in 2010. This makes the government was forced to limit the consumption of fuel subsidies because if left to the volume of usage will increase to 40.1 million kiloliters. "Obviously it affects the state budget expenses," said Evita. (Ulf)

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