Unplug British Citizenship Anna Chapman

Liputan6.com, London: After being deported from the United States, Anna Chapman, losing the status of British citizenship. One of the beautiful Russian spy was also unable to travel to England. Similarly as reported by the BBC, Tuesday (13 / 7).

Chapman is one of 10 Russian agents for foreign countries who were arrested in the U.S.. In the last week, his lawyer said the 28-year-old woman wanted to have a British passport through a previous marriage.

Chapman had been repatriated to Russia in a barter program espionage arrest. The Russians agreed to exchange four U.S. spy by Russian secret agents 10. This exchange was conducted in Vienna, Austria, on July 9th ago [read: Exchange of Spies U.S. and Russia in Vienna].

Chapman, also known as Anya Kushchenko, is the daughter of a Russian diplomat. However, recently, the court decided he had dual citizenship status of Russian-English. According to his lawyer, the official letter of revocation of citizenship and passport have the English is no longer valid.

BBC correspondent Andy Tighe to report, Chapman became a Russian spy agency's most famous. Especially, after his identity and the photos from her Facebook account in the papers scattered all over the world.

Earlier this month, the husband of Anna who is also a psychologist, to preach Alex Chapman will celebrate his wedding anniversary. The couple first met at a party in London, England in 2002. Both were then married five months later. (ANS)

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