Eva Mendes Learning Against Fear

Eva Mendes Learning Against Fear

LOS ANGELES, KOMPAS.com - Eva Mendes (36) do not mind therapy. Year 2008 film The Bad Lieutenant star was spending time in rehab because of conditions that can not be mentioned.

Mendes says, is very important for him to discuss the matter with a professional. He would not mind re-arrange an appointment if unable to attend the session because of busyness that accumulate.

"I 'love' of this therapy because it does not make me have to enter the room, sat down and talked with someone who is actually a stranger in your life. One thing is for sure, have someone who is committed to helping you become a better person is very exciting, "said Mendes.

Ghost Rider movie players believe, is very important to overcome fear in life. One fear is drowning. Therefore, he tried hard to learn to swim.

"I tried to fight my fears. I tried to be honest with ourselves and face the fear. I can not swim, so I asked my friend did not give a life jacket. I know it's crazy, but I did and it worked, "Mendes said the incoming list of 100 sexiest women Maxim magazine. (WENN / DOE)

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