Molecule Causes Weight Found Drunk

Molecule Causes Weight Found Drunk - Scientists find molecule in the brain that causes drunk. Neuropeptide, a molecule which is responsible for signaling, is believed to cause the body experiencing symptoms of "sakau" when the brain trying to adapt to new levels of toxicity.

Experts nerve School of Biological Sciences from the University of Southhampton learn simple brain worms when exposed to different alcohol content. Brain worms adapt to the level of alcohol in the long term and when consumption is stopped, symptoms of sakau. "This study shows the effect of alcohol on sakau and influence signaling processes in neural circuitry and its impact to change behavior," said the head of the research team, the nerve specialist from the University of Southhampton, Lindy Holden-Dye. Once the worms are given low doses of alcohol that sakau relieve symptoms. The study can be developed to cope with alcoholism in humans. (HealthDay / Ine)

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