Minister of Education: Teachers' Concerns Overstated, Jakarta: Ministry of National Education Muhamamd Noah teachers expressed concern that the Ministry of National Education will ignore the fate of the teachers is excessive.

The announcement was made Minister of protests related to the teachers Wednesday (12 / 5) in the office of the Ministry of National Education and in front of Parliament House, among others memperotes dissolution of the Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Education or the Education and Labor PMPTK.

"Teachers returned abused, dikotak compartmentalized and diminished" said Mohammad Aswin one spokesperson PGRI PGRI attitude when reading in the House [read: Representatives of Teachers Accepted the Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives].

"Overstated Concerns PGRI If Kemdiknas would Ignore Fate Teachers," Education Minister M Nuh said through a press release received editor.

Minister of Education emphasized that the Ministry of Education to restruktursasi Interests Focus on Organizational Effectiveness and Service. DG integration PMPTK is meeting the National Education Law and Law Commission of Teachers and Lecturers, and not for-boxing teacher.

In a rally that took Minister also met the teachers from PGRI to explain the restructuring of the ministry. (MLA)

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