Protest Election Results WakatobiRegency Ricuh

Protest Election Results WakatobiRegency Ricuh, Konawe: thousands protest in the General Election Commission Office WakatobiRegency, Southeast Sulawesi, Wednesday (12 / 5), end up clashing. Police and protesters were throwing stones to each other. As a result, dozens of police and citizens were injured.

Signs of unrest began to appear when demonstrators broke into the yard attempt KPU office WakatobiRegency. But these efforts are driven police. Riot when the Chief Election Commission had meredah WakatobiRegency Ahmadi protesters willing to meet for dialogue.

But in dialogue, Ahmadi was not willing to sign the deal with protesters. Upset, the masses finally pelted with stones Election Commission Office. Seeing the mass of anarchists, police fired tear gas. The protesters did not disperse. The atmosphere even more heat.

Police pushed forward by continuing to issue warning shots. The protesters retreated. In its action, the Commission urged residents to use as a pillow WakatobiRegency entire process and results of local elections that took place on May 8 last.

Assess the implementation of protesters filled the election fraud of which inflate the votes, intimidation of civil servants, village heads, to money politics. This practice is thought to be one partner and vice-regent candidates. (FRI)

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