Reject Responsibility, Attorney Forced Picked, Majene: After absent from calling the police, Helmi, former Chief of General Crimes Section (Kasi pidum) District Attorney Majene, West Sulawesi, finally picked up the police force at his office in the District Attorney, Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Wednesday (12 / 5). Previously, police had lifted the three summonses.

Halmi also underwent the examination in a closed intensive in Mapolres Majene. Only allowed journalists to cover the distance. "Helmi has been named as a suspect in the case of a prisoner abuse reported by women in prisons Majene," said Chief of Police and Criminal Investigation Unit of the PPA Majene Muhammad Erwin.

Victims, aka Ismirat Cimmi, admitted by the suspect who got pregnant at that time served in the State Attorney's Office Majene. Cimmi promised to marry the defendant. But after pregnancy, the former head of the Special Criminal Section of the Majene Kejari endless demand from its promise [read: the Case of Drug Resistance knocked up by the Attorney].

According to Erwin, the prosecutor refused to come to Majene Helmi, for fear of her safety. Because, ever threatened Helmi Cimmi family. Helmi threatened with Article 289 of the Criminal Code penalty of nine years in prison. (IDS / SHA)

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