Head circumference and Dementia Risk

Head circumference and Dementia Risk

Kompas.com - People who have a head circumference that is suspected to have a big enough memory decline more slowly than the circumference of an average-sized head. Memory loss in old age is usually associated with dementia disease factors.

The team of researchers from the University of Munich, Germany, believes the larger head circumference means the ability to fight the death of brain cells are thought to trigger dementia, would be great too. This conclusion is based on a study of 270 patients.

In that study, respondents with a large head circumference measurement has a cognitive test results are better, although they have decreased the number of brain cells similar to Alzheimer's patients. In other words, one does not have to suffer a serious loss of memory even 60s when they were quite large head circumference.

Although the head circumference measurement is strongly influenced heredity, but the researchers believe has a strong influence lifestyle. Poor nutrition or illness at the age of the baby will affect the size of someone's head circumference.

At the age of the children, the size of a child's brain has reached 93 percent of its maximum size. Therefore, experts advise pregnant women to consider nutritional intake and avoid disease infection to keep the brain cells that escape from penyakti dementia.

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