Baby Born Outside Stomach Intestine

Baby Born Outside Stomach Intestine, Bandung: A baby's gender to male birth ith intestines spilled out of the stomach in Bandung, West Java. Cost limitations make these poor babies had to be treated at home with the appalling conditions.

Infant son named Nur Hadith Rabisa it was forced to remove dirt through a tube in his nose while having anal. Large intestine beyond the stomach just wrapped in plastic.

Since born in Astana Anyar Hospital on Tuesday (17 / 5), the child's spouse and Deden Mila had a chance to be referred to Hasan Sadikin Hospital. But the baby's parents who have no steady job, unable to finance the operations of hospitals and tens of millions of rupiah.

Parents of the babies admitted difficulties when replacing the plastic that wraps the intestine. Exposed to dust are feared because it can cause infection. According to Mila, as long as he does not feel contain abnormalities, even every month always be checked into the clinic.

Until now the three-day-old infant has not received the attention of the government. Nur Hadith only treated at his grandmother's house in Gang Sukaati 6 No. 4, Village Pasirluyu, District Regol, Bandung. The baby's parents hope to have donors who are willing to help her son's fate. (TEST / Yus)

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