Magelang Mapolres Threatened Bomb, Magelang: Police Headquarters resort of Magelang, Central Java, on Thursday (20 / 5) get going diledakan threat by someone who claimed Al Qaeda member by telephone. Magelang district police chief Deputy Commissioner of Police Hendarsono said the threat was received by the middle of one of its members picket around 10:00 pm. Principals claim to have placed the bomb in the building area Mapolres Magerang.

Received such threats, one by one room Magelang district police team inspected the explosives tamer (Jihandak) with a metal tool detaktor. In addition to the room, vehicle until the luggage was also not lost on residents of the examination. But after combed for an hour, the threat is not proven. Not one has found a bomb or dangerous objects.

Ancama Police suspect it was just for fun people who do not act responsibly. Now, police are still chasing and tracking people who terrorize. (Bog)

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