NU Protest Prophet Cartoon Contest, Surabaya: General Chairman KH Said Aqil Siradj protesting cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed drawing contest held by one user SAW social networking site Facebook. "It is haraam, because the scholars worldwide agree that the Prophet Muhammad that should not be imagined," he said in Surabaya on Thursday (20 / 5).

Said asked the government to act to avoid disturbing people around the world, especially Muslims in the country. "We might send a letter to the manager of the social networking site Facebook is in America, but the government that is more appropriate to do that. We certainly will support," he added.

In Jakarta (19 / 5), Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring assess useless if Facebook account deleted, because there will always be others who posted back. "The competition to draw cartoons on a gap Facebook account is to provoke religious harmony, so we ask people not to be goaded by an account on it. We are cooling down," he said. (ANT / SHA)

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