Bangkok Security Situation Relatively Safe

Bangkok Security Situation Relatively Safe, Bangkok: The security situation in the city of Bangkok, Thailand, the relative safety of camps pascapengosongan forced the Red Shirt group at some point. Officers began clearing the rubble of buildings that burned. Similarly watchlist SCTV team, Friday (21 / 5) at dawn.

Meanwhile thousands of supporters of the Red Shirt also began repatriated to ride the buses that are prepared. Nevertheless, the government is still enforcing the curfew began at nine in the evening until five in the morning. Curfew imposed to ease tensions in the city of Bangkok.

Since the group Red Shirt protests two months ago, at least 83 people were killed and 1,800 others injured. Of this total, 51 of whom were killed in clashes during the past week. Numerous buildings were damaged and destroyed engulfed in the red rooster. (FRI)

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