Kak Seto: Arumi Returning Soon

Kak Seto: Arumi Returning Soon

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - After several mediation process deadlocked, finally an agreement between the parties which also pesinetron advertising model, Arumi Bachsin, with the biological mother, Mary Lillian Pesch, materialized. Arumi also guaranteed to be immediately returned to his home.

"We've talked and we tried to mediate. Basically this mediation has been running very well and had to be solved, and Arumi immediately returned to her parents," said Chairman of the National Commission (Commission) Child Protection (PA) Kak Seto Seto Mulyadi or when held At a press conference at his office in the Market area Rebo, East Jakarta, Tuesday (05/18/2010).

According to Kak Seto, mediation resulted in some agreements. However, what form the deal, Kak Seto did not want to reveal it. "Indeed there is no agreement, just not for publication. But the point is both parties must realize what is missing in their respective self," compression.

Certainty about when a movie star 18 it will be returned to his home after a blur of a week due to disagreements, Kak Seto reluctant to provide certain information. "When? I think the things of mutual interest and others will be completed within the shortest possible," added Kak Seto. (FAN)

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