Violated two patents, Microsoft to Pay 200 Million U.S. Dollars

Violated two patents, Microsoft to Pay 200 Million U.S. Dollars

WASHINGTON, - Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday (18/05/2010), finally agreed to pay 200 million U.S. dollars to VirnetX Holding Corp. because it lost the patent infringement lawsuit. In addition, starting today the software giant also agreed to pay a security technology patent license or artificial VirnetX digital security.

Both companies announced the settlement of a patent dispute over two months after a federal jury in Tyler, Texas on March 16, 2010 and ordered Microsoft to pay VirnetX for intentional violations. The verdict asks Microsoft to pay VirnetX patent license that has been used in Microsoft products amounted to 106 million U.S. dollars.

Microsoft violated two patents each of the technologies used in virtual private network (VPN) and how to set up a VPN with a secure domain name service. Both patented technologies VirnetX claimed it was used in the operating system-Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista. Later VirnetX also sued the same patent infringement for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

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