Mey Chan Addicted to Fear

JAKARTA, - Personnel duo Maia Mey Chan, admitted avoided if there is an interpreter terawang want to predict about the soul mate. The reason, he was afraid of addiction to predict if the prediction proved correct.

"I most like to predict baseball. Sometimes, if there are forecasters who like talking about me, I was told quietly," Mey Chan said when met at Senayan City, Jakarta, Wednesday (05/19/2010).

Mey Chan admitted most uncomfortable if predictable about a mate. "Sometimes I foresee directly about the soul mate, I dared to hear baseball. I want baseball at all, afraid of continuity," said Mey Chan. The reason? "Because I want baseball thoughts with suggestion of a psychic or a clairvoyant. Not that I'm afraid, but baseball would thoughts," she said ..

Therefore, Mey Chan refused each time offered to foresee. "Every meet forecaster, I must say, 'It do not foresee' because the forecast is always about a mate," he said. (FAN)

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