Generating Return Tradition Ciblon, Yogyakarta: The art tradition associated with many community-owned conservation of Yogyakarta. Kotagede citizens, for example, had a show called Ciblon, namely the tradition of bathing in the river, singing to the accompaniment of music that uses water.

Ciblon tradition had always done when people bathe in the River Gajah Wong. However, along with polluted water, the residents were reluctant to bathe in the river and at the same time he lost this festive tradition.

Now, residents trying to raise Kotagede back. Recently, Ciblon held in Sungai Gajah Wong. Citizen-yack bathing in the river, patting the river water to accompany the songs they sing. Excitement and joy of the people really felt.

In order for this tradition can be sustainable, citizens vigorous campaign to maintain the cleanliness of the river from pollution. Way, citizens are prohibited from household waste into rivers. In addition residents are also advised to conserve water usage. Thus, not only maintained the tradition, the environment was still maintained. (TEST / Bog)

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