NSN 800 MHz LTE Tool Production

NSN 800 MHz LTE Tool Production

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) equipment to produce LTE for 800 MHz spectrum to anticipate the transition from analog to digital TV. Solutions are suited to meet the frequency requirement for LTE services are facing scarcity of available frequency slots in various countries.

"While many countries switch from analog to digital TV, they can free up spectrum used for mobile networks," said Thorsten Robrecht, head of LTE product management, Nokia Siemens Networks some time ago.

Radio frequency modules Multiradio Flexi Base Station for 800 MHz has been ready for LTE. 800 MHz frequency band is also very attractive for the deployment of LTE services in rural areas because of the wider scope, so that operators can meet the target of their mobile broadband access with efficient cost.

Reach 800 MHz band which further allows the operator to cover one particular area with fewer tower sites compared with frequencies higher. The operators which showcases LTE on 800 MHz frequencies can easily achieve the same coverage with a GSM network (900 MHz) using an existing base stations, so they can take a big step towards the vision of providing universal broadband.

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