RAN Legend Want to Be

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Successful single "Queen Bee" and "So Crazy" second darialbum RAN does not make them rush to prepare a new album. RAN, which is manned Rayi Son (Rayi), Astono Andoko (ASTA), and Anindyo Baskoro (Nino) is actually going back to make a video clip for the fifth single, "For I like about Yourself", still from the second album, Friday.

"So far we are still enjoying the album Friday. Because of this, right, the fruit of our hard work. After all, we can not in the mood for an album of new material. So, we want maksain make baseball's new album," said Rayi, last week in Jakarta , representing the Asta and Nino.

Video clip "Who I like about You" made the plan starting in mid-May 2010.

Talk about the second album by the RAN, in general Rayi said they were satisfied with the response from fans. "This album is exceeding our expectations. We managed melibas second album syndrome that is usually more drop from the first album," said Rayi. RAN RAN titled debut album for Your Life.

Although satisfied with their second album, the RAN will not stay silent. For Rayi, Asta, and Nino, still much work to be done. "RAN wants to become legends, such as dental and Slank. We want for them. Hopefully we are still a lot of ammunition, with the ideas that continue to flow to work," said Rayi (News / DOE)

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