Arafat's Police Headquarters Support Kompol Fired, Jakarta: National Police Headquarters supports the recommendation of the Commission Code of Ethics and Professional Assembly dismiss the Commissioner of Police Arafat with disrespect. This was disclosed Deputy Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters Police Commissioner ZAINURI Lubis Besar in Jakarta, Tuesday (21 / 5), although Kompol Arafat objected to that decision.

In the trial the commission code of ethics and the professions, May 18 ago, Arafat proved to accepting a bribe and default in performing its duties as an investigator in the case of Gaius Halomoan Tambunan tax realtor. Arafat is an investigator Kompol Police Headquarters who was previously involved in the case of Gaius check fraud, corruption and money laundering worth Rp 28 billion. (AIS)

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