TNI post Attacked, Two Hurt, Jayapura: A group of armed men opened fire on the TNI post in Yambi, Puncak Jaya, Papua, recently. Two members of the Armed Forces injured in the attack.

Between the source said of Puncak Jaya, the TNI post in Yambi located approximately 80 kilometers from the Lord shot an armed group. However, he has not been able to confirm the origin of these groups.

Two members of the Armed Forces who were shot, one of them is the Supreme Infantry Second Lieutenant, Platoon Commander of TNI Yambi Pos. While the other one unidentified victim. Scheduled, Saturday afternoon the two victims will be evacuated to Jayapura by using army helicopters.

Puncak Jaya police chief admitted there Korwa Alexandrovitch AKBP shooting incident in Yambi. However, she ensures the security situation there is still favorable. (Ulf)

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