Soak Flood Attack, Attack: A number of main roads in Serang, Banten, floods after torrential rains for almost three hours, Friday (21 / 5). In addition to disrupt traffic flow, flood resulted in dozens of stalled vehicles.

The riders were busy pushing their cars and motorcycles. No doubt, Jalan Jenderal Sudirma which flooded as high as 50 sentimeterdi RI to familiarize the traffic police and citizens. Another area that is inundated Ahmad Yani Street, Road Cijawa, Palima Road, and the region Kepandean.

Floods often soak Serang bad because the drainage system. A number of drains clogged and not functioning well. Piles of rubbish are pooled and the establishment of stores that do not fit into the cause of any town planning issues.

If not anticipated, the flooding experienced by residents will continue to attack. Moreover, Climatology and Meteorology Agency Geofisikan Bantam states, the intensity of rainfall in the region remain high until the end of this month. (OMI / SHA)

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