NU Will Not Change Management

NU Will Not Change Management

Pasuruan (AFP) - Chairman of NU, KH Said Agil Siradj in Pasuruan, Friday, asserted, NU will not replace the names of the board.

"The entire board NU NU all people," said KH Said Agil Siradj at Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri bersilaturahaim to, Pasuruan, East Java.

KH Said Agil Siradj who was accompanied by Vice Governor of East Java, Saifullah Yusuf bersilaturahim with Caregiver Sidogiri Pesantren, KH Nawawi Abdul Djalil.

KH Said Agil Siradj said the case objected to the names included in NU is a small problem internally.

Said Agil Siradj however asserted, remain culturally students will finish it, namely by carrying silaturrahim to the elderly scholar in East Java.

He also asserted, in an internal NU no political goals or positions. Explained, the names included in the NU recognized each other have the ability in various fields.

It is said, in NU no one-man show, but that there is leadership kolegikal with different disciplines and abilities.

Described, the composition of managerial skills possessed by the committee is expected to touch Nahdliyin managing very large.

With hope, go Said Agil Siradj, NU pilgrims will also be large enough to bring a sense of pride and confidence with a variety of managerial capabilities, economic, and other field.

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