Bret Michaels Still In Critical Condition

Bret Michaels Still In Critical Condition

Four nights Bret Michaels has since admitted to hospital due to brain hemorrhage and was said until now the condition is still critical Bret. Doctors have not managed to find the cause of a cerebral hemorrhage suffered by Bret but a series of tests done and are still Bret expected conditions would improve in the next few days.

In an official statement released in Facebook's Bret Michaels Bret mentioned that in addition to a headache today also still unable to speak clearly while her vision was still blurred. "We are from Michaels Entertainment, thank you for prayers from all the fans. We Bret still hospitalized in the ICU in critical condition. He was in control for 24 hours. We hope the next test will be able to find the source of the bleeding that has not been found, "Bret Michaels wrote the management.

According to Splash News, the Poison frontman Bret sure if this will work through a critical period because during this time Bret is a tough guy. "As we know Bret never give up and we hope the time will heal Bret will be speaking fluently, and see clearly again and all will return to normal body functions," continued the management of Bret Michaels. (SPL / rock)

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