Government Will Shape National Innovation Commission, Jakarta: The government will form a National Innovation Commission (KIN). The Commission is tasked to build synergy between government, business, and academia to develop a National Innovation System (SINAS). In a written answer to the Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu said the question the House Commission VI, Monday (26 / 4), mentioned, the formation of KIN is the result of discussions in the working meeting between the Minister of Trade with Regional Head made a few weeks ago.

KIN agreed in the meeting also responsible for formulating the blueprint for a national innovation policy. Including strategic programs that are applied and the long-term research to improve Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market. The focus of the policy consists of five priority sectors. that is related to marine, agriculture, human resources, biotechnology, and renewable energy. "KIN also a set of three or four of the best innovations that have a broad impact that IPR protection and will get funding," said Minister Pangestu.

To spur innovation, the government encouraged the revitalization of the training centers throughout the province. In addition, there will be established an incentive system that allows players the business world or the state and other agencies for more synergy.

The government also plans to fund research and development can be counted as a cost that can be deducted from tax payments. In the end, the government hopes the emergence of a variety of innovations that improve the competitiveness of downstream manufacturing industries based on natural resources and labor-intensive industries, like textiles, shoes, and the creative industries. (Bog / Ant)

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