Subsidized fuel quota of 40.1 million kiloliters proposed

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Jakarta (SIB)
The government proposed a quota of oil fuel (BBM) subsidy in the Budget Amendment in 2010 amounted to 40.1 million kiloliters, or 10 percent higher than the 2010 state budget amounted to 36.5 million kiloliters.
Head of Downstream Regulatory Body for Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) Tubagus Haryono in a meeting with the House Commission VII here on Monday, said the increase was mainly on the type of subsidized gasoline and diesel fuel.
"We estimate that there are 'over' quota of 10 percent on the type of subsidized gasoline and diesel, bringing total consumption to 40.1 million kiloliters," he said.
According to him, the increase in quotas was due to follow a predicted economic growth of 5.8 percent, growth in motor vehicles, and consumption of fishermen.
At Budget 2010, the quota of subsidized fuel for 36.5 million consisting of premium kiloliters 21.45 million kiloliters, 11.25 million kiloliters diesel, kerosene and 3.8 million kiloliters.
Tubagus said that in 2010, consumption of premium is expected to increase 23.2 million kiloliters, diesel fuel rose to 13.1 million kiloliters, and kerosene was still 3.8 million kiloliters.
According to him, consumption estimates were based on the realization of subsidized fuel consumption in the period from January to March 2010.
In the first three months of 2010, consumption of premium carrying 5.4 million kiloliters, or 10.64 percent higher than the same period a year ago and diesel 3 million kiloliters, or 9.55 percent higher than in 2009.
Moderate consumption of kerosene in January-March 2010 reached 668 thousand kiloliters or lower than the realization in 2009 of 1.391 million kiloliters. (Ant / m)

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