Galodo, Residents Evacuated By Lake Maninjau, Agam: Around 600 families in Kampung Pandan Jorong or, Maninjau, Agam regency, West Sumatra, on Monday (26 / 4), were evacuated because their villages hit by landslide or galodo. Residents were evacuated by boat across Lake Maninjau because isolated road.

Ironically, the help of boats from the local government also has not been available so citizens took the initiative to assemble their own boats. Landslide material such as soil, rocks, and logs which hit Jorong Pandan on Sunday (25 / 4) night devastated about 30 houses.

Until Monday afternoon, the search for victims continues to be citizens galodo even with simple equipment. Heavy equipment could not be brought to the site because of both sides of the entrance landslides closed roads. Until now carrying seven people were injured and two others are still missing [read: Galodo lunge Maninjau].

Galodo that hit this area due to heavy rain which flushed since Sunday afternoon. This area is very prone to landslides, especially since the earthquake that shook Sumatra and 30 September 2009. As a result the hills in this lake sekililing become brittle. (TEST / Job)

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