Tube Steam Exploded, One Killed, Bogor: One tube steam boiler in a kind of cottage industry Sari Kurma, Kampung Erpah, Eurih Sand Village, Taman Sari, Bogor Regency, West Java, Monday (26 / 4), exploded. A worker was killed and another seriously injured in this incident. The death toll is Sujiman Abdullah, a resident who lives in Ciomas Cilacap, Bogor. While the injuries named Basirun.

According to residents, the time of the incident resulted in a voice tight until the roof collapsed. This accident occurred when the victim will be steaming cider dates. Suddenly, tube type steam boilers exploded because there are palm-product gas mixture.

Though late, the police could conduct an investigation at the scene who have looked neat. One bottle contains the results of steamed dough palm juice police confiscated as evidence. (Bog)

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