Former Minister of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Arrested, Bishkek: Former Interior Minister Moldomusa Kongantiyev Kyrgyz security forces arrested the provisional government of Kyrgyzstan, on Monday (26 / 5). To the press, a military spokesman who did not want to be identified said Kongantiyev successfully extradited from Russia this weekend in a joint operation with the Russian Federal Security Service. However, security forces are reluctant to comment further about the cause of the arrest.

Kongantiyev arrest is the arrest of the highest figures since President Kurmanbek Bakiyev 7 April and was ousted in a clash between that killed at least 85 people were killed. Currently Bakiyev was still hiding in Belarus in order to request political asylum to President Alexander Lukashenko. However, the deposed former president is still challenging that he remain legitimate leader of Kyrgyzstan [read: Bakiyev: I'm Still President of Kyrgyzstan].

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