Respiratory Ramdan Tools Released

Second day post-operative liver transplant patients billier atresia, Ramdan Aldil Saputra (3.5) apart from respiration or respirator tool and has been drinking milk 5 cc. The function of the transplanted liver from his mother, Sulistiyowati is working properly.

"In a further development well and was separated from the respirator. Function livernya already showing good work and had 5 cc of milk," said one doctor dr Soetomo anesthesia, Dr. Zeus Hanindito Span KIC Elly told reporters in Building Integrated Surgical Center (GBPT) floor III, Monday (26/04/2010).

Although the liver and its development work fine, but team doctors are still ketar-ketir danger of infection and bleeding up to 7 days. When that happens, then the threat of a new liver transplant was no rejection. "But so far shown positive results and a good response," he asserted.

To this day, the father of Ramdan, Bambang Sutondo Winarto (52) villagers / Sub Gandusari, Trenggalek not allowed to see her up close. This is done to see to avoid the occurrence of infection.

While the development of his mother, Sulistiyowati (43) either. Besides been able to eat porridge, livernya organs work well and the scar is still in operation and maintenance requires a long time to heal. "Just between patients and donors in the strict monitoring team of doctors," he added.

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