Cut Mini Storytelling For Children

Cut Mini Storytelling For Children

Cut Mini now has a new activity, read a fairy tale for children. According to his confession, Mimi has been undergoing a month of this profession as a radio announcer.

"This is a new activity for me now with my uncle Garry berdongeng in Female radio, actually has been one month. And I just dare to live right today, but had previously been twice, and I am still in the learning stage with Garry's uncle," Clearly, when Mimi at Pacific Place SCBD met in South Jakarta, Saturday (24 / 4).

Mimi interested in storytelling because of her interest in children's world. This is the first time the actress / model jump in professional radio announcer.

"I am interested in the world of children, according to my little boy has a thousand faces, and my life surrounded by children, nieces and nephews. So that's my uncle Garry ditawarin same, not without reason to reject me because I really liked the world of children. And I have never entered the world of this radio, a new experience for me. I'm sure I'll have a new science again in the future, "he said. (KPL / buj / actress)

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