Pick Nunun Planning Commission in Singapore

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: A spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Johan Budi said here on Monday (26 / 4), said the Commission remains committed to presenting Nunun Nurbaeti, case key witness given to specifications BI Senior Deputy Governor in 2004 ago, in the trial . According to Budi, the Commission has so far still exploring with the parties in Singapore to know the disease experienced severe forgetful Nunun [read: Four Times Nunun Always Called It Coming].

In addition, although the two defendants Dudhi Makmun Murod and Udju Djuhaeri has entered the process of prosecution, but the Commission would still take calls Nunun mechanism for the trial of two other defendants.

The plan, in the near future, the Commission will send a team of prosecutors to Singapore, and does not include the doctor to "second opinion". The invitation is intended Nunun to trial, because the KPK still want to pursue the mechanism for the defendant to present Nunun Endin Soefihara and Hamka Yamdu, considering the two other defendants have entered the process of prosecution, he said. (ARL / Job)

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