Reject iron sand mining, Researcher Residents Hostage, Jember: Hundreds of villagers Paseban, Jember, East Java, rage at the sight of three researchers took samples of iron sand in their territories. Residents refuse to worry because the iron sand mining would damage the environment.

The citizens of a third hostage researchers then derived from PT Indomern Mainame Prosperous and banish the presence of police. People were not afraid to hear the warning shots, and asked the patrol car immediately leave the local village office.

Not content to channel the anger, the mob set fire to a bamboo and plywood used. While some residents of three researchers who maintain their hostages in the village office. One of the three hostages are from Canada.

According to residents, they had long rejected the iron sand mining plan. But rejection is not ignored until the anger residents reached its peak. Residents insist the third menyandra researchers to be guaranteed to be no mining in the area.

Lucky the police finally intervened immediately and will bring together residents with the management of PT Sejahtera Indomern Mainame. (TEST / Job)

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